At Eckert’s Deli, we are now serving hot lunches and dinners every day of the week! Our Featured Entrees include everything from fried chicken to linguine with clam sauce. Eckert’s own Darin Stine prepares these delicious recipes on a daily basis. Darin has been trained in culinary arts studies, has been involved in the restaurant business for eight years, and continues to practice his love for fantastic food as our chef at Eckert’s Deli!
Eckert’s is proud to feature fresh foods made in-house by our chefs on a daily basis. The Featured Entrees can be found at http://www.eckerts.com/ and are updated weekly with the new menu items. This week’s items include: 

Lunch: Beef & Noodles
Dinner: Fried Chicken
Lunch: Pork Tenderloin
Dinner: Baked Turkey Breast
Lunch: Manicotti
Dinner: Baked Chicken
Lunch: Mama’s Meat Loaf
Dinner: Linguine with Clam Sauce
Lunch: Captain’s Curry Chicken
Dinner: Beef Roast
Dinner: Fish – Catch of the Day
Lunch: Smothered Chicken
Dinner: 10-Hour Pork Roast
Eckert’s Featured Entrees are a perfefct solution to those nights when your entire family is on the go, and is also great for any lunch break!
Eckert’s chefs are always looking for new and exciting recipes to try, so please feel free to recommend a lunch or dinner you don’t see on our menu and would like to try!
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