Despite these frigid temperatures, the construction crews have been working hard on remodeling the Country Restaurant’s kitchen. Less than a week ago, it was a fully functional kitchen and even more amazingly, this larger, much more functional kitchen is scheduled to be completed on January 23, 2010, the same day that the Country Restaurant will reopen its doors to the public!
To date, the installation of new kitchen power panels and conduit has began, as well as the exterior electrical demolition and installation of drywall. Moving right along, crews began the ductwork, installing the cookline hood, and cutting new openings in some of the masonry walls. We were hoping to have the cooler foundation and slab poured, but this has been inevitably delayed by these freezing temperatures. You don’t have to tell us twice… this farm knows all about Mother Nature being the foreman.
The next phase of the project consists of erecting a new 22,000 square foot Country Store, boasting expanded retail space and a 1200 square foot cooking and workshop classroom. Despite the construction, the current Country Store will remain open all year. We anticipate opening the new Country Store in July 2010. The final phase will include expanding the Country Restaurant by 180 seats, doubling our current seating capacity, which will bring the expansion project to its conclusion in September 2010.
We will be posting a blog every Wednesday to update you on all the exciting changes taking place on the farm. Make sure to check back or sign up below to receive our postings via email. We also invite you to check our expansion photo albums on our facebook page! As always, we would love to hear your comments or questions about our project.
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